Bow River Anglers, Calgary Fly Fishing at its finest

There are plenty of Guides on the water – but very few legends.

Barry White is the biggest character on the water. Larger than life and with a twinkle in his eye Barry will make anyone comfortable – novice or veteran. Who would you rather spend your fishing dollars on? A kid who can row a boat – or a Legend who knows where to row the boat?

Don’t trust your once in a lifetime trip to the Bow River to just anyone. 

Book today and Reserve your Spot!

To book your trip, call Barry at 1-780-999-0695 or send your request through the Contact page.

Don’t foget to visit on Facebook!

Meet Barry White of Bow River Anglers

A fully certified FFF Master Caster – Barry can make the most of your day on the water. With his intimate knowledge of the Bow River Habitat, Casting prowess, and more experience on the water than nearly any mortal alive – Barry will take you on a journey you’ll never forget.

My name is Barry White, “The Fly Fisherman” – and I have been guiding anglers on the Bow River out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada since 1977 – which makes me one of only a handful of 30 year plus veterans on the Bow River.

Fly fishing on the Bow is challenging. It is big water and has the largest, toughest, and wildest Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout in North America. The Bow River runs through Calgary, and is only an hour and a half from Banff in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. A travel destination custom made by mother nature for the Fly Fisher. I have guided this water longer than anyone and would be pleased to introduce you and your group to the angling, the natural history and the hospitality of the west.

The last few seasons have been beautiful. Extraordinary fishing, and with the river in full swing, and new established lies – the fishing can’t be beat! Don’t dwell on the floods from a few years back – the Bow River is in great shape!

Thinking of Booking a day on the river?  Weekend dates go quickly, so booking now is critical to ensuring that you get the time on the water you deserve. Despite that, we are more than able to accommodate your needs, so please give us a ring and let Bow River Anglers get you the trip you’ve dreamed of.

Download the BowRiverAnglers-PRETRIP-2019 PDF for more details!

I offer day floats and camping trips down the Bow River. At two persons per boat with guide per day I can accommodate any size group. No experience – no problem because fly fishing instruction is included. The guides and I all use drift boats for comfort and safety. My season will commence in April and extend into October.

What to expect? You will be met at your hotel (book at the Delta Calgary South (formerly the Hospitality Inn) 403-278-5050 – tell them you are fishing with Bow River Anglers) or at a local area fly shop at 8:30 am and returned at about 7:00 pm that evening. We will stop by the shop and pick up your fishing permit and any extras you will need. I have pretrip information that lists all the regular fishing stuff that you should bring. Don’t worry about ALL the flies listed – I’ll have the patterns that are working. Lunch and refreshments are included. The float trips are broke down to cover different beats, from 5, 9 , 14, 15 and 20 miles. What determines the float would be the fishing over the previous days, the wading that the anglers are prepared to do plus other circumstances that are important.

Don’t be a stranger – please drop me a line and be sure to include your email address because I’ll need it to keep in touch with you.